Three Drawings

These three drawings carried me through a job/lifestyle change. I started the first one around the time when I was interviewing for a job at a landscape architecture firm. By the time I finished the drawing I received an offer and started working. I drew the second one while I was in the middle of apartment hunting to get out of my parents house. I was less than enthused about living in the suburbs of Central Jersey and driving up and down the turnpike to my new job in Rutherford each day, so I packed up and moved with a friend to Jersey City. As for the third, I started that one around the time I started experimenting with painting and finished it after my first trip to my family's ancestral homeland, Greece. At the end, I found myself on stable footing at a new office, in a new city, committed to both.

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Teddy Aretakis

Teddy Aretakis (he/him) is a New Jersey based Landscape Architect who dabbles in art on the side. He produces paintings and drawings which celebrate repetition and pattern. Sometimes he takes photos.

Third Times the Charm: Revisiting India


Metaphysical Frames