
This is a group art + photo blog.

A bunch of Friends Making Art, etc etc.

THIS FAR was created six months into social distancing.

By that point, most of my friends were spread out across the U.S. and abroad. We were moving across the globe, going back to school, starting new projects, reflecting on old work, taking action, and figuring our shit out. All during a time when separation and connection had never been more simultaneously necessary.

So I started this blog and asked my friends if they wanted to join. Basically an art gallery to showcase their talents, and also a visual diary to share portions of our lives with each other. It’s a platform to better appreciate imagery without the pressures of likes or algorithms or ad space. It’s also my way to keep up with my friends and support their art.

So thank you for doing the same just by checking out this platform.
I hope you enjoy.

x Chelsea