Prompted is our monthly community-driven series in which we ask a question, and you answer with one visual artwork. At the end of the month, we gather all of your artistic interpretations to create a single visual essay.

The series’ inaugural prompt is…


We want to see how you would respond to this question with an image (moving or still). Don’t think too hard, but also do think a little. Any and all visual interpretations are welcome. So grab your camera, brush, tablet, or dig through your archive, and send your answers to by February 21st, 2021. On March 1st, we will synthesize all your beautiful submissions into a visual essay to publish on the blog.

All contributors will also be added to our THIS FAR Slack, which is a space dedicated to helping artists in the TF community grow by connecting everyone together to collaborate, share helpful resources, ask questions, learn about different creative events and opportunities, and just virtually hang.

Send us a note if you’ve got something for Prompted but plan to be fashionably late. See our submission guidelines below.

Blurred person sitting in park marked with light streaks

Blurred person sitting in park marked with light streaks

Submission Guidelines
Image Specs

  • One (1) single artwork (photo, video, illustration, painting, etc.)

  • Can be a polyptych, but images must be combined into one file before submitting

  • Image in .jpg or .png only

  • Image with a width of 1500 - 3000 px at 72 ppi

  • Label filename with “prompted001_” followed by your name (i.e. “prompted001_chelseapineda)

Video Specs

  • Please provide a YouTube or Vimeo link to your video

  • Please provide a wide thumbnail with a width of 1500-2500px at 72ppi


  • Your name, gender pronouns, and link to portfolio (or social media handle)

  • Title of image, location (optional)

  • Descriptive alt text for artwork

    • Best practices for alt text

      • How would you describe your image to someone who can't see it?

      • Be succinct, descriptive and helpful. Keep it less than 12 words.

      • Don't use hyphens, and omit terms like "the," "a," "photo," and "picture"

Contributors will still own all the rights to their own work.

Send your submission to by February 21, 2021. Sending files via Google Drive or WeTransfer are preferable.


A group art + photo blog.


Dog Whistle


is this seat taken?