THIS FAR: An Introduction

Welcome to THIS FAR, a photo + art blog I made with and for my friends.

This platform was born out of the want for a space to showcase the work we’ve been creating, to provide a written and visual peak into each others’ lives, and to be a part of something communal, especially in the midst of an era that requires such physical distance and isolation.

My hope is that while you stumble upon here to take a look at one person’s art, you find yourself discovering and enjoying their friends’ art as well.

If you’d like us to keep you updated on new posts and happenings over here at TF, subscribe to our newsletter below. If you’d like to say hey or see how you can get involved, shoot me a message.

Figured you can’t have an intro post for a photo + art platform without some photos of the people who are a part of this. While this is part online gallery, part visual diary, this is also a tribute to my homies, who I’m so grateful to have known for this long. Here are some photos I’ve taken of them over the years. (Unfortunately I don’t have images of everyone that’s a part of this launch, but the bright side of that is that now I can look forward to making photos of them next time I see them.)

x CP


A group art + photo blog.


Pure Blue